Jou bydrae stel Lewende Woord instaat om ‘n groot verskil te maak in
baie mense se lewens. Dit bemagtig ons om lig te skyn in ‘n donker
wêreld, en hoop te bring van Bloemfontein tot so vêr as Zimbabwe. Terwyl
ons hierdie roeping aktief uitleef, wil ons jou bedank vir jou
gehoorsaamheid en ondersteuning! Gebruik asb die bankbesonderhede
Your financial involvement makes a big difference in the lives of
many people! You make it possible to bring light in a very dark world.
We are currently reaching broken people from Bloemfontein all the way to
the Northern border of Zimbabwe. Thank you for contributing to this
great cause! Please use the banking details provided below.